Monday, January 12, 2015

Week One: Type, Stereotype, and Archetype

Reading Assignment: Before coming to class on Wednesday, please read Veronica Roth's Divergent or as much of it as you can. Consider on her approach to character design and on what appears to be the basis of her archetypology. If you have already read Divergent and seen the movie, then read the two short stories in which Roth retells aspects of the story from the point of view of Four. Follow the link to the course resources page in the Course Links box on this page to find resources for this week's reading. 

Set Up Your Blog:  Each student needs to set up a blog of their own on which they will post the assignments for this course. The blogs will be reviewed at the mid-term and and the end of the course as part of the grading process. To see other details about the course, how grades are determined, and the various course policies please read the course information page which is available through a link in the Course Links box. 

Please set up your blog through Blogger or other blog service and email me the URL for your blog. Please do this before coming to the first class. This does not take long. Be sure to indicate that you are enrolled in the Literature, Film and Pop Culture course so that I can make sure I get your blog address posted to the right course blog.

Bring your notebook or tablet. We usually do some in-class writing during each class session so please bring your notebook computer or tablet to class. There are limited charging stations in the classroom so it is best if you charge up your notebook or mobile device before coming to class.

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